DPW Brochures, Guides, and Fact Sheets
Stormwater Information
Clean Water Garden brochure series
Created for Springfield households, our Clean Water Gardens brochures highlight the top six ways to have a nice yard and also ensure clean, healthy local rivers and streams. Visit our Clean Water Garden webpage for more info!
More Clean Water Garden brochures:
Clean Water Fact Sheet series
Our Clean Water Fact Sheets, available in English and Español, cover 12 sources of water pollution. Everyone is required to prevent these types of pollution from entering Springfield’s stormwater system. They harm Springfield’s waterways and are against City Code.
Other Clean Water Fact Sheets:
- Concrete, Plaster, Stucco, Sheetrock | Concreto, Yeso, Estuco, Yeso Prefabricado
- De-icers | Anticongelante
- Moss | Musgo
- Pools & Hot Tubs | Piscinas y Jacuzzis
- Restaurants | Restaurantes
- RV & Boat Waste | Casas Rodantes
- Storm Drain Upkeep | Mantenimiento de Alcantarillas
- Water Quality Facilities | Instalaciones de Calidad del Agua
- Yard & Garden | Patio y Jardín
Other stormwater information
An assortment of materials on local stormwater topics. Contact the Stormwater Team for printed copies.
Other stormwater information:
Transportation Information
Roundabout brochures:
Beacon handouts:
Video: Using a Rapid Flashing Beacon Crossing